Daring To Be Truthful
Christ the King
November 23, 2003

Daring To Be Truthful
by Tom Cox

If Democracy is government by the people, one wag wondered if rule by the Media would be called "Mediocracy?" In any event, Monarchy is certainly on the wane as a mode of government. While kings & kingdoms sound a bit alien nowadays - rest assured that the spirit of competition, grasping and getting still reigns supreme.

It wasn't meant to be such. One prayer in today's Feast tells us that God's kingdom is different. It's where truth, life, holiness, grace, justice, love and peace find a home. Whatever our political system, somewhere along the line, we got things disastrously wrong. It was perhaps in reflecting on this, that the great Indian Statesman Mahatma Gandhi's listed seven social sins. (1) They give a handy agenda for today's weaknesses and problems.

In their face, no grouping in society can afford complacency. At their heart is the spirit of truth, to which our first duty lies. True to self, to the vision, to others and to God. Falsity has no place in God's Kingdom.

"All who are on the side of truth listen to my voice." Are we tuned in?


1. Mohandas K. Gandhi, Young India 1925

(Comments to Tom at tomascox@eircom.net )