1 Corinthians 15: 12-20 (links validated on 1/17/22)

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  • Sermon Starters (Epiphany 6C)(2022)

    by Doug Bratt
    In his book, Secrets in the Dark, Frederick Buechner writes, “Ministers and congregation … came to church year after year, and who is to say how, if at all, their lives were changed as the result? If you’d stopped and asked them on any given Sunday, I suspect they would have said they weren’t changed much. “Yet they kept on coming anyway; and beneath all the lesser reasons they had for doing so, so far beneath that they themselves were only half aware of it, I think there was a deep reason, and if I could give only one word to characterize that reason, the word I would give is hope (italics added) … “I think it is hope that lies at our hearts and hope that finally brings us all here. Hope that in spite of all the devastating evidence to the contrary, the ground we stand on is holy ground because Christ walked here and walks here still. “Hope that we are known, each one of us, by name, and that out of the burning moments of our lives he will call us by our names to the lives he would have us live and the selves he would have us become. Hope that into the secret grief and pain and bewilderment of each of us and of our world he will come at last to heal and to save.”
  • Epiphany 6C (2022)

    by Frank L. Crouch
  • Epiphany 6C

    by Bill Loader
  • Epiphany 6C (2022)

    by Chris Nafis

Resources from 2007 to 2021

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Resources from the Archives

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  • Filtering Through the Theological Spam

    by John Pavelko
    The pastor took his seat as the airplane prepared for take off. Sitting beside the pastor was a well known theologian. Thrilled by the opportunity to talk with such a distinguished scholar, the pastor initiated a conversation. After a few minutes the scholar talked about his family. He told the pastor that one day his young son came home from school with a fever. They gave him some aspirin and sent him to bed thinking it was just one of those childhood things. Before the night was over, they were in the emergency room. The boy had a very virulent form of meningitis. The doctors had to tell the professor that his son was going to die. Shocked by the news, the seminary professor assumed a seat beside his son to wait. By mid-afternoon, the little boy's strength was depleted. With his vision becoming cloudy, he said, "Daddy, it's getting dark isn't it?" The professor replied, "yes, son it is getting dark, very dark." A few minutes passed and the boy said, "Daddy, loving his son as he did, sat by the bed side to watch this death I guess its time for me to go to sleep isn't it?" He said, "Yes, son, it's time for you to go to sleep." The professor said that his fixed his pillow and put his head on his head just as he had done every other night and said, "Good night Daddy. I will see you in the morning." He then closed his eyes and took his final breath. The professor looked out the window of the airplane for a long time as the pastor sat in silence grieving for his new friend. Eventually, the professor turned, looked at the pastor and with tears streaming down his cheeks said, "Pastor, I can hardly wait till the morning."...
  • Resurrection From the Dead

    by Jerry Morrissey