Isaiah 65: 1-9 (links validated 5/31/22)

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last Tuesday, 1:30 am

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Resources from the Archives

  • We Are Lost

    by Daniel Bollerud
  • I've Found It?!?

    by Daniel Bollerud
  • Proper 7C (2010)

    by Amy Erickson
  • Proper 7C (2010)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Proper 7C (1998)

    by John Jewell
  • Isaiah 65

    by Fred Moeller
  • Transmission

    Visual Theology by Dave Perry
  • And Then Comes the End

    by Ray C. Stedman
  • The Haughtiness of the Priesthood

    by Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer
  • Challenged and Chosen

    by Keith Wagner
    When it comes to commitment one of the names that frequently surfaces is Jane Hull. At the young age of seven she was visiting a shabby street in a small town near Chicago. Seeing ragged children there she announced that some day she wanted to build a house so poor children could have a place to play. When she became a young adult she visited Toynbee Hall in London where she observed educated people helping the poor by living among them. When she returned to Chicago she and a friend restored an old mansion and moved in. The two women cared for children of working mothers. They also opened the house to older children and held sewing classes and cooking classes. There were art rooms, music rooms and reading rooms too. Jane also became an advocate for the poor. Later she was awarded an honorary degree from Yale. President Theodore Roosevelt claimed she was "America's most useful citizen." She was eventually awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. In spite of her notoriety, Jane Hull remained a resident at the Hull house and finally died there in the place she called home...
  • Proper 7C (2013)

    by Elizabeth Webb
  • Proper 8C (2007)

    by Wesley White
  • Continuation

    by Sue Whitt

Children's Resources