Amos 5: 18-24 (links validated 10/1/23)

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Fri, Apr 19 9:05am
Last Checked
Fri, Apr 19 9:05am

New Resources

Resources from 2020 to 2022

  • Proper 27A (2020)

    by Charles Aaron Jr.
  • Proper 27A (2020)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Justice Rolls Down

    Podcast with Rolf Jacobson, Craig Koester and Kathryn Schifferdecker
  • The Eve of Justice and A Cry for Mercy

    by Heather Ketchum
    As the cry for justice is made and blanket accountability is set out perhaps it is also a time to cry for mercy. Composer Max Richter recently released an album entitled “Voices” in part as a response to the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. The project features readings of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and centers Article One which states that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” The final song of the project, “Mercy,” evokes a sense of mourning, reflection and tentative hope with a reminder of the dignity of human persons and the exposure of deprivation and disregard of persons. A cry for mercy is an act of recognition. Paired with a cry for justice, a cry for mercy proclaims that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” while simultaneously acknowledging the failure of upholding that declaration...
  • Floods of Justice

    by Jean Kirkwood
  • Justice Rolls Down

    Podcast with Robb McCoy and Eric Fistler

Resources from 2017 to 2019

Resources from 2014 to 2016

Resources from the Archives

  • Let Justice Roll

    by Mickey Anders
    Once Mother Teresa was invited to a hunger conference in Bombay. She lost her way, and arrived late at the appointed place. On the steps outside, she noticed a man, dying of hunger. Instead of going in, she took him, and fed him. Inside, they were talking about so much food supply in so many years, statistics here, statistics there -- while a real person was dying on the steps outside. There is another great moment in her life when a wealthy woman from America found Mother Teresa, whipped out her checkbook, and said, "I want to write you a check to support your work." Mother Teresa looked up, shook her head and said, "No money." "What?" the lady replied, "No money. You won't take my money? I have a lot of money, this money can help you." And again she heard, "No money." "No money! Well then, what can I do?" Mother Teresa smiled that inimitable smile, took her by the hand, and said, "Come and see." She led this woman deep into the barrios of Calcutta, searching, until finally she came upon a small, grimy child. Mother Teresa said, "Take care of her," and the woman took a cloth, and bathed the little girl, took a spoon and fed her. And she reported later that her life was changed. When Mother Teresa first came to the United States, she made a great speech in New York, in which she said, "You don't have to go to Calcutta to share in my work. Calcutta is wherever you are. Wherever you are, there are people who hurt, who need love. Find them. Love them. For in loving them, you love Jesus."...
  • Irrigation System

    by Dan Bollerud
  • Proper 27A (2020)

    by Kelly Burd
    includes several quotes
  • Proper 27A (2011)

    by Brendan Byrne
    Have you ever wondered why films like Captain Spaulding, Duck Soup, and A Night at the Opera seem to revolve around Groucho Marx unleashing a string of insults at a stuffy society matron? It was not merely because such a character was the perfect foil for the Marx Brothers' anarchic brand of humour; or, indeed, because they were getting a cheap laugh at the expense of someone else...
  • Light in the Darkness

    by Barbara Crafton
  • Lectionary Blog (Amos 5:18-24)

    from Desperate Preacher
  • Proper 27A (2011)

    by Mark Gignilliat
  • Yours Are the Hands

    by James Howell
  • That You May Live

    by Kathlyn James
  • Parenting for Peace and Justice

    by Kathleen and James McGinnis
  • Proper 27A (2008)

    by Carolyn Sharp
  • Bad News and Good News

    by Alex Stevenson
  • The Best of Our Family

    by Desmond Tutu

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