Jeremiah 23: 1-8 (links validated 9/27/22)

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  • Reign of Christ (C)(2022)

    by Kathy Donley
    let me turn back to poetry and the words of Brian Walsh, as he reflects on Colossians: “In the face of a culture of death a world of killing fields a world of the walking dead Christ is at the head of the resurrection parade transforming our tears of betrayal into tears of joy giving us dancing shoes for the resurrection party And this glittering joker who has danced in the dragon's jaws of death now dances with a dance that is full of nothing less than the fullness of God this is the dance of the new creation this is the dance of life out of death and in this dance all that was broken all that was estranged all that was alienated all that was dislocated and disconnected is reconciled comes home is healed and is made whole everything all things whatever you can imagine visible and invisible mountains and atoms outer space, urban space, and cyberspace every inch of creation every dimension of our lives all things are reconciled in him And it all happens on a cross it all happens at a state execution where the governor did not commute the sentence it all happens at the hands of the empire that has captivated our imaginations it all happens through blood not through a power grab by the sovereign one it all happens in embraced pain for the sake of others it all happens on a cross arms outstretched in embrace and this is the image of the invisible God this is the body of Christ.
  • Exegesis (Jeremiah 23)

    by Richard Donovan
  • Sermon Starters (Christ the King)(C)(2022)

    by Scott Hoezee
    The kingdom of God is over and again that small thing that all-but gets lost in the hubbub of the wider world. The kingdom is not advertised on some glitzy neon sign towering over Times Square but rather it’s the treasure buried in a field. It’s not an expensive jewel displayed under plate glass and bright lights at Saks Fifth Avenue but it is the pearl of great price that someone just happens to stumble upon in an unlikely place. The kingdom does not call attention to itself like a marching band coming down the street with brass and drums blaring but is instead the yeast that disappears into the larger lump of dough, the tiniest of all seeds that vanishes almost the very moment it hits the soil. The kingdom of God—and the One who rules over it as the King of kings—really is the greatest thing ever. Jeremiah predicted it. We now live it. But as it was for the Israelites long ago, so for us: we sometimes feel underwhelmed unless we can have the Holy Spirit keep our spiritual vision sharp and clear.
  • A Promise of Home

    by Kelley Land
  • Commentary (Jeremiah 23:1-6)

    by Marty Alan Michelson
  • Christ the King (C)

    by Howard Wallace et al

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  • Scripture and Screen

    by Virginia Miner
    ["Whale Rider is about the search for a shepherd who can lead people to a future that their ancestors had imagined. But, as the script says, 'Prophets are not always what you want or what you expect'...."]