Psalm 33: 1-22 (links validated 4/9/24)

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Resources from 2016 to 2023

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  • Proper 14C (2016)

    by Adam Hearlson
  • Proper 14C (2022)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Proper 14C (2019)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Proper 14C (2016)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Sermon Starters (Proper 14C)(2022)

    by Scott Hoezee
    When the famed cellist Pablo Casals was around 90 years old, he still practiced the cello for hours each day. By that age and after his storied musical career, Casals surely had nothing left to prove. So one day someone asked him “Why do you still practice so much?” “Because,” Casals replied, “I think I’m getting a little better.” A great gift is no excuse to not also work hard. And for believers, faith and trust in a great God are no excuse to not also recognize that we still have much to do in our lives to cooperate with God’s care and protection of us. Don’t put your trust in earthly things but don’t fail to shore up things on earth either.
  • Sermon Starters (Proper 14C)(2019)

    by Scott Hoezee
    When the famed cellist Pablo Casals was around 90 years old, he still practiced the cello for hours each day. By that age and after his storied musical career, Casals surely had nothing left to prove. So one day someone asked him “Why do you still practice so much?” “Because,” Casals replied, “I think I’m getting a little better.” A great gift is no excuse to not also work hard. And for believers, faith and trust in a great God are no excuse to not also recognize that we still have much to do in our lives to cooperate with God’s care and protection of us. Don’t put your trust in earthly things but don’t fail to shore up things on earth either.
  • Proper 14C (2022)

    by J. Clinton McCann, Jr.
  • Proper 13C (2019)

    by Casey Thornburgh Sigmon

Resources from the Archives

  • Singing the New Song

    by Gilbert Bowen
    Have you seen the movie "The Pianist." It is the story of one Jew, Wladyslaw Szpilman who escaped the Warsaw Ghetto and the cattle cars to Treblinka during World War II, a story he tells in his book of the same name. A concert pianist, he lives basically for his family and above all his music, ever hiding and on the run from the Nazis. Finally, while scrounging in an abandoned house for food, Szpilman comes face-to-face with a German officer. Instead of drawing his revolver, the officer asks Szpilman what he does for a living, and then leads him to a piano. Szpilman manages to perform Chopin's Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, whereupon the officer hides him in an attic directly above the German headquarters until the Germans retreat. In the movie, this soldier is presented as a senior staff commander and Third Reich poster boy. In fact, Roman Polanski does not tell the true story. Michael Oren points out that far from being a young Nazi monster who is transformed by the music of Chopin, the officer who saved Szpilman was Wilm Hosenfeld, a recreational reserve officer in his late forties, a committed teacher and family man, an ardent Christian who abhorred Nazism. He lived his life by another music. In the name of justice, in the name of love, he repeatedly risked his life to rescue others, Poles and Jews, from extermination. These survivors later tried unsuccessfully to obtain Hosenfeld's release from a Soviet labor camp, where he died in 1952. He hazarded to keep a diary in which, on September 1, 1942, he asked: "Why did this war have to happen at all?" This was his guess. "Because humanity had to be shown where its godlessness was taking it .... This denial of God's commandments leads us to all the other immoral manifestations of greed-unjust self-enrichment, hatred, deceit, sexual license and the downfall of the German people. God allows all this to happen ... to show mankind that without him we are only animals in conflict, who believe we have to destroy one another. We will not listen to the divine commandment: "Love one another"...and must die, guilty and innocent alike."...
  • Help and Deliverance

    from Comparative World Scripture
  • That Every Child Who Wants Might Learn to Dance

    by Paula Cooey
    ("Before she married, my mother was an accomplished dancer. During the late forties, when I was about three years old, she began to teach dancing and baton twirling. She traveled throughout rural north Georgia, holding classes in the public schools as an itinerant dancing teacher...")
  • Praying the Psalms (Psalm 25)

    by Lawrence Cunningham
  • Lectionary Blog (Psalm 33)

    from Desperate Preacher
  • Come and See What God Has Done

    by Fred Gaiser
    (see Second Sunday of Easter)
  • U2: Unexpected Prophets

    by Steven Harmon
  • Proper 14C (2016)

    by Adam Hearlson
  • Proper 14C (2013)

    by Philip Heinze
  • Proper 14C (2010)

    by Phil Heinze
  • Hallowing God's Name

    by G. H. Kersten
  • The Lord of All

    by Steven R. Key
  • Proper 14C (2010)

    by James Limburg
  • Who Controls Your Life?

    by Bryn MacPhail
  • Proper 14C (2013)

    by James K. Mead
  • Singing with the Psalter

    by Michael Morgan
  • An Unfailing Hope

    by Gregory S. Munro
  • A Shield

    from Our Daily Bread
  • Joyful Praise

    by Hedley Palmer
  • God's Sovereign Grace

    by Joseph Pipa, Jr.
  • The Revisioning of Worship

    by Various Authors
  • Introduction to the Psalms

    by Henry Wansbrough
    Scroll down the page for this resource.
  • God's Plan

    by Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson
  • Proper 5A (2008)

    by Wesley White
  • Proper 14C (2007)

    by Wesley White
  • Our Hope

    by Sue Whitt